Making good sugar choices

Ok, so I want to feel less sluggish.  I want to lose my mummy tummy. I also never seem to find a time where time available and tiredness levels are disproportionate enough to exercise.  So I read a book called I Quit Sugar.  And while that seems scary enough to do, I feel that cutting back is definitely something I can do.

So I started a couple of days ago.  And here are the good sugar decisions I made today:
1. No sugar in my morning coffee
2. Pecan nuts instead of chocolate biscuit for morning munchies after food shopping.
3. Ham with mustard in my sandwiches instead of pickle, instead of chocolate spread.
4. No chocolate biscuit after fruit at lunchtime.
5. A small slice of birthday cake after school.

And that is where I am now.  About to cook a chilli for tea.  Not massive steps I know, but still some decisions that I have actively made. And it's not too bad....
