Hello bloggy people, if in fact there are any readers left!
I have not been here for ages, months in fact. Mostly due to the fact that typing on an iPad is not great, and the husband has the main computer with keyboard for work of an evening. Getting on during the day is just not an option, life is crazy now.
Ruth is 5 and in Big School. Benjamin is nearly 4 and in preschool four mornings a week. This means 3 return trips a day at 2.5 hourly intervals. Sarah is 21 months old and into everything in a big way. Especially felt tips and cups with no lids. I need say no more.
I myself have discovered a new, well, I wouldn't call it passion exactly, but an interest in clothes and fashion and outfits and capsule wardrobes. This has been since I went on a personal shopping day (a 30th birthday gift from the husband) with a personal shopper, where I learnt that I am a rhubarb shape. Rhubarb. Who'd have thought?! Anyway, I learnt about dressing for my shape, about scarves and belts and capsule wardrobes and I love it. I have discovered a new love for blazers too, when I can find them to fit! I joined Pinterest and am always pinning outfits which use the clothes that I already have. I wear new combinations, and pack very lightly to go away now.
I am still baking and sewing, tho not so much sewing at the moment as evenings seem to be taken up with ironing and Deacons meetings and general being comatose on the sofa. I do have plans to make a patchwork duvet cover this year, but I need 110 squares and have cut approximately 19.
I am still baking my own bread, haven't had shop-bought for months. Also making my own yoghurt now as we get through so much of the stuff. I am getting into really good food, and wondering how to make organic and natural at least 85% of what we eat, without it costing the earth.
So here is me, nearly 32. I am looking forward to blogging more, specifically about outfits and clothes. I have discovered a blog called All The Tall Things, a fashion blog for the taller lady. It's brilliant!