While the baby sleeps...

Ruth is asleep, and has been for the last 3 hours or so. She had her jabs this morning, and cried proper tears when the nurse stuck her with the needle, twice. I cried even before anything had happened, and the nurse offered to get someone else to hold Ruth, but there was no way I was going to abandon her! She calmed down within a couple of minutes, so I brought her home and gave her some calpol to prevent her getting a fever. Getting calpol down a baby is easy, just wait until they are howling and just tip it down their throat! Worked for me...

Got my first trip into Cheltenham tomorrow, going in with Hubby to help me park and feed in public. Might see if he wants me to bring the baby into work...

Right, little one is squirming in a hungry type manner, so I have to go!

