Still cooking...

I know my due date isn't for another 3 days, but I feel like I am a week overdue as it is! I started having really mild contractions every 10 minutes last Friday morning, and this pattern lasted for the entire weekend. And I have been contracting on and off all week, but nothing has moved or changed. My midwife was surprised to see me at my 39 week appointment as I had seen her last Monday at the ante-natal class and said I had been having these contractions all weekend. She had half expected me to have had the baby by now!

So I am still at home, waiting, hoping that each contraction is the start of bringing our baby into the world. I don't feel like venturing far from home, indeed, wandering into town is about as far as I want to go (a 10 minute walk), but by the time I get there, my belly is as tight as a drum and walking is really uncomfortable.

I have a feeling that I am going to end up being way overdue, and have to be induced around the 20th October. Which is really sucky because these constant contractions are really really tiring and thus I don't feel like doing anything and then I feel rubbish and its all a vicious circle. Still, at least I have Hubby at home with me for the next 2.5 days to entertain me (ha ha). Mind you, I'll probably end up making him cups of tea and rubbing his shoulders rather than the other way around...

The flux of people asking 'how I am' a useful euphamism for 'has the baby come yet and you've not told me' has begun. Its mainly from family - as if they weren't going to be the first to know! Think I might just tell them that it arrived last week and it slipped our minds to tell anyone...
