This is my desire, oh Lord

I'm sitting at my dining room table which is doubling as the office today, basking in the sunshine and God's presence. While I have a gazillion things to do today, plus my paid work, I feel so peaceful working and feeling God all around me. I don't get this feeling in the office, full of artificial light, ringing phones, humming computers.

I was reading through Ephesians 1 yesterday. Can I encourage you to read it? For the first time, it felt like I was reading a 'normal' book, inasmuch that I understood everything in the passage, and it spoke so loudly to me. I went to work with my heart singing.

I do have one request of you. Please could you pray for me as Paul prayed for the Christians in Ephesus:

"17I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit[f] of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better"

My prayer and my heart is to know God better and better, and from this passage I think I understand that we are not to struggle with this alone. So would you, my siblings in Christ, pray for me? Thank you!

And if I wasn't blessed enough already from reading that passage, I then read this post over at Making Home. How I nodded in agreement with most of the points (only most, because there were some things that I hadn't experienced yet!). What encouragement to dig even deeper into the Word. Thanks Jess!


Anonymous said…
I have just read your blog Working My Way Home. May I encourage you in what you are doing. I am a retired Gradmother, Mother, and Wife. I believe the home is an important place to be. We are all working our way home, so your encouragement to read Ephs 1 was good for me. Keep up the good work
Anonymous said…
This is great info to know.