Part-Time Request NOT Refused!

God is good and faithful!

I've had my discussion... There is no policy against me working part-time, but no precedent either. They asked if I would work from home the other two days, and I said I wouldn't as it defeated the object of me going part-time. They also asked if there was flexibility in the days that I worked, and I said that as long as I had Fridays off, I didn't mind which three days I worked, and if there was a need to be in on one of my non-working days, then I would come in as long as I had notice and could re-arrange the rest of the days.

So it is not a 'no' and I should have a firm decision by the end of January as to what the terms are going to be.

Seems all very positive, and is the outcome that is as ideal as it can be. Means I will still bring home good money, and have my two days at home! YAY!
